
The Guru in Your Golf Swing

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A golf pro, a monk, and the magical kingdom of Bhutan

PGA pro Hanczaryk’s high-flying, cross-cultural adventure is about teaching golf in a very remote place; but it is really about self-discovery, rooted in an ancient meditation practice.

Topics: , Product ID: 1448


ISBN  978-1-989347-01-0
6″ x 9″, colour, perfect bound, paperback, 160 pages

Better golf and a better life. Here are the tools.

It was a deal that joined the ancient art of meditation with the game of golf. One day the PGA pro taught the monk how to play better; the next day the monk taught the pro how to tame his unruly mind.

Based on a true story of a five-month golf-teaching assignment in the hidden Kingdom of Bhutan.

  • Learn the steps toward the evolution of a better golf swing
  • Learn the steps to establishing a life-changing meditation practice
  • Learn about a country very few people have seen

“A delightful fable of golf pro and guru that teaches real golf lessons and meditation instruction! Read it and discover that you can work on your mind to play better golf, but you can also use golf to awaken your mind.”

—DR. JOSEPH PARENT, PGA TOUR coach and author of #1 best-seller, ZEN GOLF: Mastering the Mental Game